Before and After

oblique view before and after photograph of patient who underwent lower blepahroplasty with fat repositioning
frontal view before and after photograph of patient who underwent lower blepahroplasty with fat repositioning
oblique view before and after photograph of patient who underwent lower blepahroplasty with fat repositioning
Lower  blepharoplasty
before and after photograph of lower blepharoplasty with fat repositioning
Lower  blepharoplasty
before and after photograph of lower blepharoplasty with fat repositioning
Lower  blepharoplasty
before and after photograph of lower blepharoplasty with fat excision
Lower  blepharoplasty
Before and after photograph of female in her 50s undergoing a lower eyelid blepharoplatsy
Lower  blepharoplasty
before and after photograph of lower blepharoplasty with fat repositioning and upper blepharoplasty
Upper and lower blepharoplasty